gensim python tutorial

gensim python tutorial for beginners: The gensim is a free python library used to design automatic extract topics from documents. The gensim is NLP (Natural language processing) package. They will get implemented in python and cython and designed to handle the large text using streaming and online algorithms. The gensim python library is used for topic modeling and similarity retrieval with large corpora.
The implementation in python and cython is designed to handle large text collections. The large collection is used for data streaming and incremental online algorithm. The gensim is an open-source library used for modeling and natural language processing. Gensim is designed to handle the text collection using data streaming. They are billed as the NLP package that does topic modeling for humans and its more. The topic modeling is to extract the underlying topic from a large volume of text. They will provide LSI and LDA which is used to build high-quality topic models. They have the advantage of handling large text files without load and the entire file in memory.

Directory and corpus:-

The gensim will require the words that are converted to unique id and create a dictionary object that maps to a unique id.
The object is creating as ‘bag of words’.


  1. The algorithms are memory independent with respect to corpus size.
  2. It is easy to plug in your own input corpus.
  3. Also easy to extend with other vector space algorithm.
  4. The multicore implementation is as LSA, LSI.LDA etc.
  5. The converters and I/O formats will contain the memory efficient implementation of several popular data formats that include LDA-C and more.

It is the fast indexing of documents and semantic representation and retrieval of documents.
The documentation is extensive and Jupiter notebook.
The core concepts of gensim are as follows:-

  1. Vector: The mathematical representation of a document.
  2. Model: the algorithm for transforming vectors from one representation to another.
  3. Document: it is some text.
  4. Corpus: It is also called as a collection of documents.


  1. It is the collection of document objects that serve two roles in gensim.
  2. Input for training model and use this training to look at common themes, initialize parameters.
  3. It will focus on unsupervised models.
  4. The document organizes the topic model which is used to extract topics from new documents.
  5. There is a way for performing preprocessing and splitting by space. 


We need to represent the document and manipulate manually as it represents each document as a vector.


We have vectorized the corpus and begin to transform it using models.
We use the model as an abstract that refers to a transformation from one document to another.
The documents are represented as vectors so a model can be thought of as a transformation between two vector spaces.
From gensim import models
Tfidf=models.TfidfModel (bow_corpus)
Words=”system minors”.lower ().split ()
Print(tfidf [dictionary.doc2bow (words)])
[(5, 0.58983416745), (11, 0.8075244024440723)]

Gensim python Installation:-

This software will totally depend on numpy and scipy of two packages.
We install the BLAS library before installing Numpy and using BLAS such as OpenBLAS.
Install gensim,
Pip install –U gensim
Run the code,
Python test
Python install
It is expressed as large matrix operations and gensim taps into low-level BLAS libraries.
They will make heavy use of python and build in a generator for data processing.

Vector Transformations in Gensim:-

We will perform these transformations with Gensim, scikit-learn can be used.
The corpus is a collection of documents where each document would be one sentence, but this is not in most real-world examples.
We should note that once we are done with pre-processing, we get rid of all punctuation marks.

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