Numpy interview questions and answers

Numpy interview questions and answers : There are many questions related to the Numpy interview. You should be well prepared for the interview and get a job easily. Following is the list of question and you can get many questions from the media like Google and YouTube. Take the help of Google and YouTube to get well prepared for the interview.
numpy interview questions and answers
Numpy interview questions and answers

For freshers:-

1) What is Numpy?

The Numpy is an extension module that provides the operation on an array of homogenous data.
It will allow serving the high-level language for data manipulation like Matlab, idl, etc.

2) What is the Numpy array?

The Numpy is also called the multidimensional array of the same type.
The object will point block of memory and keep track of data stored in memory.
In Numpy array the axis is the elements and spaced by same number of bytes in the memory.

3) Do Numpy and scipy support python 3.x?

The Numpy and scipy will support python 2.x as well as 3.2 and the new versions.
It supports python 3 and also scipy starts with version 0.9.0.

4) Why should we use Numpy rather than Matlab, Idl, octave or Yorick?

The programming tools are used which suit problem and environment.
It is open source and does not cost anything and use general-purpose language.

5) What is scipy?

The scipy is an open-source scientific and the numerical tool for python and support functions, gradient optimization, parallel programming.

6) Does Numpy/scipy work with Jython?

Jython run on the top of java virtual machine it has no interface with extension in c for standard python interpreter.

7) What are the advantages of doing Numpy arrays offer over python lists?

They will support insertion, appending, concatenation and python list to make the construction easy and manipulate.

8) What is the difference between scipy and Numpy?

The Numpy and Scipy are libraries of python and used for mathematical and numerical analysis.
They contain array data and operations like sorting, indexing, etc also consist of numerical code.

9) How to create a Boolean array?

The array can be created by using the dtype=bool by creating the array.
The values other than 0, false are considered true and create a Boolean array and made between arrays and scalar shape.

10) How to stack two arrays vertically?

The stack use function is used by numpy.vstack () to stack sequence of input arrays vertically to make a single array.

11) How to stack two arrays horizontally?

The numpy.hstack () function is used to stack a sequence of arrays horizontally to make a single array.

12) How to reshape array?

While the process of reshaping requires a 1d array of variables and shaped as the 2d array with one column and outcome for every row.
The long short term memory neutral networks in keras and require specified as the three-dimensional array.

13) What is the difference between matrix and array?

It is a collection of the elements.
Is the simple row and column and both are different things in different spaces.
Here collection of single dimension array is called a matrix.

14) How to create a Numpy array?

We use the np.array () function and needed to pass the list and specify the data type of data.

15) How to create a 1D, 2D array?

The 1D and 2D are collection of data cells of the same type and gives a single name.
The 2D is organized as the matrix with numbers of the rows and columns.

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