selenium python framework tutorial with example

Selenium python framework tutorial with example : In this tutorial, we are going to discuss the framework by using selenium in python programming language and detail of the robot framework. The automation framework is integrated by tools, processing and simplifying the performance of the team. The pattern of frameworks in test automation are below we should select as per situation. The automation framework is a set of practices and concepts that provide support for software.

Which framework to choose Selenium python framework tutorial :-

Choose the frameworks as TestNG& JUnit or design on your own.
The TestNG is designed to cover types of testing like integration testing, functional testing, etc.
It allows the framework of QA analyst and allows you to generate a report in both like XML and HTML.
Also, the unit is a unit testing framework used for testing purposes.
Ant is the tool for automating the software build processes and get source version.
It calls TestNG through Ant script to integrate the build process. Using the Ant we can generate reports and they are generated by TestNG.

They are essential to block/function named and consume the functionality.
The keywords will take the parameter and through output.
They are written to abstract and repeatedly write the code.
The modules/keywords are the same as on a website.
They are complicated and based on the data structures in the automation framework.

It is a popular pattern used for test automation frameworks.
The webpage applications can interact with the other and a large number of applications change the applications.

It is a combination of three frameworks and has infinite ways to create the test framework using selenium.
It is a very easy and maintainable framework.
They are used to maintain business logic and code as possible.

The first step of writing the code is to decide how the framework will be structured.
The goal is easy to read and maintain based on consideration.

Common frameworks are as follows:-

1. Pytest Framework
 They assist in test automation of software testing and easy to learn.
Their features as assert rewriting are adopted by testers.

Disadvantages of Pytest Framework:-

2. UnitTest Framework:-

Unittest is the unit python framework.
The test case allows executing the test case.
They will support the load method and the test suite class.
Advantages of UnitTest Framework:-         

Disadvantages of UnitTest Framework:-

3. Behave Framework:-

It allows the software team to run without any difficulties.
It will require python 2.7 or the next version and the IDE like Pycharm.
Advantages of Behave Framework:-

Disadvantages of Behave Framework:-

4. Lettuce Framework:-

It is an automation tool that is easy to use and it gets highly popular for BDD testing.
This framework is based on Python and cucumber.
The framework makes the process simpler and entertaining by its BDD approach.
Advantages of Lettuce Framework

Disadvantages of Lettuce Framework
Also required strong coordination and communication among developers, testers, and stakeholders.

5. RedwoodHQ Framework:-

The framework has multiple testers to connect in a single web location to execute the tests.
 Also supports complete automation and management of software testing.
The keyword create test case easily and quickly.
The easy creation and execution are used in test cases and records are kept for future reference.

Advantages of RedwoodHQ Framework:-

Jasmine Framework:-

Jasime framework is a behavior-driven development framework.
Also, support python as well as Ruby and JavaScript unit test automation.
It will combine the server-client unit testing to run Jasmine.
Advantages of Jasmine Framework:-

A disadvantage of Jasmine Framework:-

6. Gauge framework:-

It is a tool made by the same team made by selenium.
The framework is open-source and plenty of quirks in using it.
Advantages of Gauge framework:-


How to pick the best test automation framework?

Robot framework using selenium in python:-

It is an open-source for acceptance testing and ATDD (acceptance test driven development) also RPA (robotic process automation).
The testing capability is extended by the python and user.
The robot is hosted on GitHub so we find source code and issue tracker.
They are hosted by the PyPI and consist of generic test libraries.
This framework is also called as application development and operating system.
The framework is also used in the acceptance testing and counted on the python framework.
Used in python run on Iron -based and Jython this is based.
The test-driven is used for writing the test cases and make easy to understand.
The test cases are written by using the keywords in tabular form and provide support for external libraries.
Selenium library is used for UI testing and development purposes.
You use the text editor or Robot Integrated Development Environment (RIDE) for writing test cases.
Robot framework also works fine on the Operating Systems which are available.
The framework is built depending on Python and runs on Jython (JVM), IronPython (.NET).

Installation of robot framework on python:-

For the installation of the robot framework, we use the pip and use a command to install the framework.
Pip install robotframework

Verification of installation:-
After installation, you should see robot frameworks and interpreter,

Standard Libraries:-

The following test libraries that are distributed with the robot framework,


 Framework test data is defined in the sections listed below.



Test case

Used to create the test cases from available keywords


Used for importing the files, libraries and used for defining the test cases.


Also used to create the task using available keywords.


Also used for defining the elsewhere in data

Writing test cases:-

A robot has all its test cases in tables and saves them either in HTML or table-separated value (TSV) files.

Managing test cases:-

You can organize test cases in Robot Framework as test cases are made into test suites, which are sets of test cases, taken either from single or multiple files.

Running test cases:-


The test cases can be divided into the following tests:-

Data-Driven Tests:-

It tests and allows the varying of test data without duplicating the workflow.
The setting in the robot framework will set the test case into a data-driven test.
Create user with invalid password should fail
            abCD56+${PWD INVALID CONTENT}

Workflow Tests:-

The test cases are written in tabular syntax.
Let take an example to understand this.

User can create an account and log in
Create valid user python P4ssow0rd
Attempt to login with credentials python p4ssw0rd
Status should Be Logged In
User cannot log in with bad password
Create invalid user python p4ssw0rd
Attempt to login with credentials Python wrong
Status should be access denied
The robot framework follows the test cases which are written in simple English language rather than automated test cases.
 It will follow a keyword-driven approach that resonates with natural language in terms of actions and expectations.
The test cases are constructed with keywords and possible arguments.

Higher-Level Tests:-

The test cases in the robot framework can be constructed with high-level keywords and no positional arguments.
 Look at the example below to understand high-level tests.
User can change password
Given a user has a valid account
When she changes her password
Then she can log in with the new password
And she cannot use old password anymore

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